We are all aware of the massive impact British films have had on our cinema screens over the last decade. From such global British successes as Trainspotting, the Harry Potter films and the recent Kings Speech, British cinema has made a rather impressive name for itself in the film industry worldwide. However, attaining such a status is an arduous process which has left many independent gems buried and forgotten in its wake.
Oldman achieves this by not taking the easy path of condemning the abuser and revering the victim, an approach that compels empathy for the characters. Although not excused, even the atrocities committed by Raymond do not make him into a monster. He is depicted as a doting father to his daughter and in one exceedingly private scene; he reveals the unfathomable wound left by his father’s lack of affection. It is painfully distressing that, whilst all Raymond strives for is to be loved and to not emulate the footsteps of his own alcoholic father, he falls into the same pattern of behaviour. The script serves to support these complex characters and talented acting. When asked by his wife why he hurts her, Raymond replies “because I love you”, and in some ways we are forced to understand his twisted logic. Nothing is black and white in this film and you get a sense that it probably caused Oldman pain to depict, in such realistic terms, the memories from his childhood.
Never is this more apparent than in the infamous scene in which Raymond, in a drunken fit of jealousy, attacks his pregnant wife. Despite the violence being out of the frame, the scene is so vivid and the build up so tense that it never fails to leave the viewer unmoved. Yet the film is not just violent outbursts and uncomfortable suspense. The affection between the characters serves to fragment the more intense scenes and it is at these moments that the film really displays its artistic charm. Oldman uses stunning urban cinematography of the concrete-jungle estates and a soundtrack that was made specifically for the film to convey the unbreakable ties that one suspect are the only lifelines keeping these characters afloat.
Like life, Nil By Mouth does not have a neat ending; it does not wrap everything up nicely. As the door closes in the final scene and the window into Ray and Valerie’s life is shut, we imagine the characters continue the same struggle. Conversely, it is as if the film does not alter the lives of the characters, but instead transcends the cinema screen to affect the audience. It leaves the viewer with a profound sense that whatever happens, life goes on and you can only make do with what you have.
Interesting review Tom- Is the film being screened anywhere in London? would be great to see it in a cinema environment.
ReplyDeleteUnfortunately it is not. The film came out in 1997 and only showed in arthouse cinemas and film festivals. However, it is available at HMV, Play.com and Amazon at a reasonable price. It is also available to watch online if you stream it. I can send you a decent link to the online version should you wish. I would personally recommend this film highly. Although it is not a light watch and to some it is a little too realistic, if you can stand a film that isn’t bubble wrapped for the audience’s comfort, then this film is for you. Definitely one of the best British films ever made and one of my personal favourites.